Mom cooked MeatBall Soup for breakfast. Yummy.. yummy.. My all time favorite. I was trying to use every sense of my taste buds when suddenly I got diz FUNNY call. Well, some people don't know how to ASK questions properly. They juz need more practise. They like to jump into conclusion and portray you as a SEXY LADY in red with two horns on top and long sharp pointed tail and a....? Hmm, wat u call the thing they carry around? I juz listened n decided to keep my mouth shut. I pity dat person actually.
My favorite yummy meatball soup started to taste weird. It turned sour and bitter. I learned at school, the only thing dat link to your tongue is your nose. Datz y food taste funny when u got flu.. Guess not.
My favorite yummy meatball soup started to taste weird. It turned sour and bitter. I learned at school, the only thing dat link to your tongue is your nose. Datz y food taste funny when u got flu.. Guess not.