Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Mom cooked MeatBall Soup for breakfast. Yummy.. yummy.. My all time favorite. I was trying to use every sense of my taste buds when suddenly I got diz FUNNY call. Well, some people don't know how to ASK questions properly. They juz need more practise. They like to jump into conclusion and portray you as a SEXY LADY in red with two horns on top and long sharp pointed tail and a....? Hmm, wat u call the thing they carry around? I juz listened n decided to keep my mouth shut. I pity dat person actually.
My favorite yummy meatball soup started to taste weird. It turned sour and bitter. I learned at school, the only thing dat link to your tongue is your nose. Datz y food taste funny when u got flu.. Guess not.


Holiday will be ere soon.. And the last holiday for 2009. Christmas holiday.. Im not celebrating Christmas. I juz like it cuz it's holiday. Hihi. So.. My idea of a perfect holiday is hang out with best friends at the rite place on the rite time.. Ahaha.. We all did hang out.. Rite time rite place.. Last month 5 days straight. So many shocking things happened this few months. So my last holiday diz year is sumthin dat I really need the most to summarize my life..
Hmm.. Where do I start? I broke up with TART.. Not his name. Juz a nickname dat I used to call him. I don’t even remember how did it came out at first place. As u all know.. Im broken-hearted. I cried myself to sleep every nite. It sounds pathetic but I'm not ashamed to admit it cuz sure almost every human has been through same experience like mine. That's totally normal so I can consider myself normal too. I spend most of my time hang out wit my best friends, clean up anything.. anything to keep myself bz.
I was like hell for the past few months. Then along the winding road.. I realize dat everybody cares bout me.. Thanx people.. Sumbody cares bout me..
I 'dissappeared' few times. I didn’t pick up calls. I didn’t reply any msgs. I spent whole day in the bedroom.. I was trying to get myself back on track. I was mad n sad n confuse so I went to a place where I could calm myself down n think straight again. A place where I spent whole day indoor watching my fav movies n surfing the internet n playing games n free meals. My gramma's place. Hihihi. I feel a bit better now..

Sunday, November 15, 2009

TouGh Ride

The goin gets tough lately... Work, friends, family.. heart! Ehe..
Work.. Hmm.. My bossy boss with his daily agenda.. money money money..
Friends n Family.. No prob. Lurv you all.. Thankz for being there to wake me up from da nightmare....
Heart.. Hmmm.. Mmmmm.. Ehe.. Yup.. the exact prob actually.. Let's put it this way.. It's not a prob.. Juz another challange in life. Sounds better. Talk bout it later......

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Finally.. Fasting fasting fasting.. Hopefully posa tahun ni dapat bertahan.. Huhuhu. I spent my first 3days of Ramadhan with my family. Then I went back to my place. Everyday.. 5pm sharp I accompany my friend AC berbuka since dia dgn hubby dia jak. Maybe she doesnt want me to spent my Ramadhan alone. Musuk isnt around. He's bz.. I dunno n I dowane think about it. So back to the berbuka part. Actually, everytime berbuka kami berempat cuz her hubby ada sorang kawan juga which can be consider as my friend also.
Now I wonder wat am I trying to tell ere. Izit bout the fasting month or the berbuka part wit her hubby's friend..? Ahahaha.. Since he's always around.. it starts to feel weird if he's not. Nggeeee.. I call him OTROMAN cuz of his hairstyle makes his head looks like ultraman figure.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Juz a Feelin'

Im a bit mad at him yesterday n still.. today.. Im not sure if the word 'mad' is suitable to describe wat I really feel. It's kinda hard to explain in words. I dont talk like usual.. I juz 'Mmm', 'ok', 'aha', 'Hmm'.. He knows sumthin isnt rite but Im mad at myself also. Why the hell am I supposed to be mad at him. He doesnt even know... Not a thing.. I never explain. I never tell him the truth.. so the response for sure = ignorance.. So who do I gotta blame...? Ok ok ok. ME!

Friday, July 31, 2009


Nuttin much to do today. Juz the mandatory like sleeping n breathing. Im takin a day off. Other than dat I juz sit ere browsing, searching, typing n clicking. Sumhow.. I managed to clean my room n I found my precious... Ahahaha.

After so long I opened back all my diaries. Not really all of it since I started to write diary since I was in highschool n of course few chapters are missing.. N my most favourite will be my lil black book with lots of sketches in it. I like to draw o sketch by the way. Wateve u kol it. HUhuhu.. Reading all the diaries feels like traveling through time. Guess.. it's ok 2 go back 2 da past sumtime. Juz 2 remind me bout life. Who I used to be.. Where I used to stand.. All the crazy stuff dat I wrore.. anger, frustration, joy, love.. bla bla bla. The ups n downs. How it actually taught me 2b who I am now.

Reading all these diaries feels like standing on top of a mountain where u can see almost everything... which makes me wonder how wonderful n horrible life can be in a split second. Sumhow, I can summarize my life.. few years back.

I found my fav poem in there sumwhere.. My fav songs when I was in campus. My ehem ehem.. dont have to mention the name.. Hihihi. Funny. Isn't it fun when u can actually smile n laugh when u read back all the stupid things dat frustrated u long time ago. So, diaries are like soul healer.. it tells me dat it's ok to be unhappy or to have problems now cuz sumday when u finally get over it all.. It will become a chapter of ur book of life n the title will be 'Point to ponder' or 'Life's Like That' or 'Laughter is the Best Medicine'. Or maybe it can be reminders.. Did I learn sumthing from it? Am I goin 2 make da same mistakes? Am I a better person now? But foremost.. it's not about did I or did I not successfully went through the dark black hole.. it's all about HOW n WHAT I've learn after the rise n fall.

Friday, July 24, 2009


I miss my grandma everyday.. I miss her a lot.. She's my idol.. She raised me til I was 8.. I still remember my Yellow Musuk Blanket.. I couldnt sleep without it.. Kecik2 dlu.. p mna2 pn bekepit dgn blanket tu.. Ada la satu ari tu aku tertinggal blanket aku tuh ntah d mna sbb bawa skali blanket tu p men ngan my cousins d blakang uma d kampung. Mlm tu my grandma cari my blanket sampai jauh mlm sbb aku tak dpt tidur.. I miss her so much. Then.. blanket tu dah koyak rabak sbb cousin aku p lilit kat pokok mangga. Hahahaaa.. My grandma jahit blanket tu jadi bantal kecik malam tu jg pas dia cuci n keringkan guna iron.. Tu cuma small part of the story.. My grandma is the best.. byk pengorbanan my grandma for me.. even now.
Dah besar panjang ni pun.. kalu balik kampung my grandpa bagitau yang my grandma kekadang susah nak tido sebab bimbang aku tinggal sesorang kat uma. Ye la.. dah keja ni jauh dari family n I live alone in my small cute house.. Sumtime she wud kol in the middle of da nite asking samada aku dah kunci smua pintu.. Dah makan ke belum.. makan maggi jak ka.. dah mandi..
Ada sekali tu aku baru masuk keja n belum dapat gaji lagi so aku balik kampung pun duduk uma jak. Tetiba tengahari tu grandma ntah ke mana. Balik petang tu dia hulur sampul. Rupanya dia p bank kuarkan duit nak bagi pinjam kat aku.. My grandma tau sangat aku xkn trima kalu dia bagi so dia cakap ini kira pinjam. Aku nak nangis jer.. Tapi aku tak amik. Aku bagitau yang aku ada duit simpanan juga sebab sebelum ni aku keja..
When I was in highschool I was damn lazy.. Malas nak belajar.. but my grade was good so I tot kalu lulus dah kira okay la. My mom slalu ngadu ngan my grandma. My grandma nasihat aku slalu but I was so young so keras kepala ckit. Selalu balik kampung tak gi sekolah. So one day, i went back to see my grandma. N ponteng la tu. My grandma wasnt around dat monink. She went back home around 12 with book and pencil. Then, my grandma bagitau yang dia ikut kelas untuk orang2 tua di kampung tu.. Malam tu my grandma n me duduk2 kat meja makan after dinner. My grandma wat keja uma. Even mata dah kabur2.. jari pun dah keras nak menulis.. dia cuba juga menulis dan cuba hafal alphabet yang di ajar di kelas. She said.. kalu dari dulu dia belajar menulis dan membaca mungkin dia boleh ajar aku waktu aku baru masuk sekolah dulu. My grandma belajar smua tu semata2 mo tolong aku belajar. Sedih tul aku. Since dat day aku blajar betul2.. tapi bab malas tu susah skit la nak kikis. But here I am today.. got my degree.. got a good job. It's all for my beloved grandma. My granda.. a mom, a bestfriend.. my life!
I share everything wit her.. Dunno wat should i do without her.. I love you Grandma.. owez do..

Sunday, July 12, 2009

FiD BeTdei

It's my bestfriend's betdei.. Around 5 Ed came to fetch me.. Bought a tropicana cake.. Yummie yummie yummie. Then smua bkumpul d venue yg ditetapkan.. Smua org ada except for him. Hmm.. Mcm chipsmore.. But nevermind cuz I got all my lovely n dearest buddies with me.. Mcm besa la.. light d candle.. lalalalaaaa.. blow the candle.. eat eat eat... Mcm mo pecah perut mam mcm2. Then.. borak2... We were juz chatting n relaxing. Malas mo huha huha.. H1N1. Kikikiki. Present utang dlu.. Hahaha.. Next weekend la nak g Guess Boutique.. Midyear Sales.. Betdei Gal ni Guess-Die-Hard-Fan. B4 12 smua ciao sbb tomorrow keja...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Juz wanne share few pictures dat I took along the way... Sumthin dat I want to remember.. a day trip to a place dat I love.. white sandy beach.. TQ Mr.KuatMenyamal.. Hihihi.

Along the way.. u can see the cute COUPLE TREE n the unique houses..

Almost there...................

And finally... Lurv it ere..

Saturday, July 4, 2009


To My dear Fren CMY.. "im sorry to hear about ur mom"..

Friday, July 3, 2009

My Dear Couz

I am so happy today cuz my best dear cousin is in KL rite now tgh beli cincin TUNANG.. Insyaallah, majlis tu end of diz year.. Im so damn epi for her.. I know how much she loves Chal.. Ehehe.. She's my best cousin ever.. my bestfren.. my crime partner.. my secret keeper..Opss.. Huhuhu.. I love my cousin.. So.. U better be gud Chal.. Take gud care of my dear cousin..

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I add diz Leopard Malindi Cr0Cs to my collections.. I bought it for only RM50. Yenno why..? Cuz my buddy eD gave me his RM80 voucher.. My Luck!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The LosT

It was raining and I couldnt sleep las nite.. Suddenly I miz everybody especially my musuk.. I felt sumthin but it was hard to explain.. Worry and sad and empty, all at once. Weird.. Finally I fell asleep maybe around 3 cuz dat was da las time I looked at my hp.

Diz monink I woke up early.. still wit dat weird feeling inside.. So I decided to kol him. I told him dat I felt like my body is ere but my soul is sumwhere else. His answer was 'HUH? WAT KIND OF FEELING IS DAT?'. Sumhow.. he makes me feel better again like always.. Few minutes after dat.. my dad called. Bad news. My cousin past away las nite. Cancer. She struggled for many years. Still young. It felt like a knife stabs through my heart. Now I know why I felt dat way las nite..

Friday, June 19, 2009

The NoT3B00k

Boring.. Nuttin to do mlm ni. Membe2 ajak kuar tp mcm malas2 kerbau la plak. Bilik dah macam Pirate of Karung. I like to collect boxes cuz I like to collect small things in it. So.. selongkar punya selongkar.. I found sumthin.. Jeng jeng jeng... Notebook.. One of my fav movie..N the best damn kiz eve.. Hihihihi. I love the story line.. Funny, beautiful, lively and touchy.. But most of all. Diz movie reminds me of sum1.. almost 2years ago..
The story is about two young couple who were so very madly deeply in love but the gal's family doesnt like him since da gal comes from a wealthy family but not da boy.. so.. ehem2.. if anybody wants to read more.. click here.. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0332280/synopsis
Well, it may sound like a malay drama or a hindi movie but you have to watch it first. Really... U'r gonna lurv it. I know SUMONE does.. ahahaha..
Ni story basi dah.. 2thn lepas tp saja nak ingat2 balik.. Hmmpff. Dat nite kami janji nak tgk movie kat uma so I brought my lappy n my fav movie. First tuh.. mmg kna kutuk abis la sbb suggest movie jiwang.. Tp dia tgk gak. Hihihi. The funny part was.. he cried.. Kakakaka. Tp tak nak ngaku. Mata masuk habuk la.. flu la sbb cold dat nite.. Hmm.. Miz him actually!!
Anyway.. I wanne share few lines dat I like in diz movie...

They didn’t agree on much. In fact they rarely agreed on anything. They fought all the time and the challenged each other everyday. But despite of their differences they had one important thing in common, they were crazy about each other.

So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? 30 years from now, 40 years from now? What's it look like?
My Dearest Allie. I couldn't sleep last night because I know that it's over between us. I'm not bitter anymore, because I know that what we had was real. And if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, I'll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent the summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love. The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that's what you've given me. That's what I hope to give to you forever. I love you. I'll be seeing you. Noah

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


At home.. a bit tired today... a fren at work didnt show up today. Her mom is sick. Very very sick. CANCER. Been a year but now the cancer has spread to the lungs and bones. Even the experts said dat they cannot do anything anymore. I was away when the mother admitted to the ICU few weeks ago. She called me to ask my opinion about so many things.. books about cancer, web, medication both traditional and modern etc.. At work.. she shared many things about medication that she bought for her mom. All treatment centers dat she called late at nite..
She's not from a wealthy family.. Her family struggled so hard in life. That's why she doesn't further her study. She has to work to support her family.. N now she got a good job with a good salary. She told me how happy her mom was when she told her mom she got diz job a year ago. She works so hard because she wants her mom especially.. to have a better life.. She told me how hopeless she feels rite now and how hard it is not to show it to her mom. It breaks my heart to look at her telling me all the stories and tried not to cry. What I learn from her.. is never to give up even when everybody is telling you NO or CANT... She bought so many books about cancer.. Read thousands of webs to get any info... She even shared it with me.. But what touches me the most was when she says, I SHARE ALL DIZ INFO WITH U N I HOPE U CAN SHARE IT WITH EVERYBODY TOO CUZ MAYBE WE CAN SAVE SUMBODY'S LIFE.
So this is the web that she wants me to share with everybody out there...
May Allah be with ur Mom my dear fren!! Amin!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Cr0Cs FrOm My PaL

..ThinK.. ThInK.. thInk.. tHiNk..

Izit the pink stRipes Santa Cruz? Izit the bRowN OliVia? Izit the bErRy MaLinDi? Izit thE blackwhite Santa Cruz?

Finally I made up My Mind.. I picked the ReD SuedeD ALicE TQ Buddy.. it's for my BELATED biRtHdAy!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Climb

I can almost see it
That dream I'm dreaming
butThere's a voice inside my head sayin
You'll never reach it
Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but I
Got to keep trying
Got to keep my head held high
There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle
Sometimes you going to have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
The struggles I'm facing, The chances I'm taking
Sometimes they knock me down but
No I'm not breaking
The pain I'm knowing
But these are the moments that
I'm going to remember most
Just got to keep going
And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on
There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle
Sometimes you going to have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith baby
It's all about
The climb
Keep the faith
Keep your faith

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Baby Gal of Irene

I juz reached home from fren's betdei celeb around 4.30am when a fren told me dat Irene is in pain.. I rushed to her house.. She was home alone.. Aku sruh dia bsiap utk g hosipital tp Irene sruh tunggu jap. Aku dah nebes gila babi dah tapi dia wat muka rilek je... Kejap2 dia g toilet..
Around 5.30.. Irene dah wat muka pelik dah. Aku paksa dia gerak p hospital.. kang aku jadi bidan kat uma kang. Then, we rushed to the hospital.. Nasib umah tak jauh sangat. Aku pecut.. sampai jer kat hospital.. Irene masih bleh bejalan lagi p labor room.. Funny gak tgk dia jalan tekepit2.. Aku anta sampai kat depan pintu jer sebab hospital tak bagi masuk orang even husband pon tak bleh masuk. Hmmpff.. Tu jer la yang spoil kalu government nih. Aku tunggu kat luar... mundar mandir. Then a nurse came out from the room.. ingat dah selesai.. rupanya sruh aku p kaunter Hasil utk fill in form for labor. Dah abis isi borang smua aku p jumpa nurse tu.. She said Irene will be shifted to the 1st floor. Wad 4. Sebab dia ada asthma so kna pindah kat sna.. takut ada apa2 complication waktu labor.
So aku tunggu depan lift.. then Irene on wheelchair with 2 nurses datang. Aku ikut sekali naik gi atas. I hold her cold hand trying to comfort her. Datz all dat I can do as friend. Aku doa dat everything will b ok. Kat dlm lift Irene ngadu sakit sangat. Ada plak sorang minah nurse betuah tu marah irene bising2. Minah tu kata 'memang la sakit kalu nak branak'. Wat the hell is wrong wit dat woman.. Macam ler dia branak kang tak bising2.. Biarlah pon kalu nak ngadu sakit. Smua orang pun macam tu. Aku bengang gak tapi malas aku nak gaduh2 time kawan aku nak branak.. Aku pandang jer nurse tuh.. Muka serius n garang la konon aku. Kikikiki....
Sampai kat wad4 aku tunggu kat luar.. few minutes jer aku kat luar aku dengar.. UWAAAAAAAAAA!! Fuh.. tuh mesti baby Irene. Half an hour. Nurse tak kuar2 lagi. Aku jenguk2 sampai kna marah. Huhuhu. Then aku tetido duduk kat kerusi depan wad. Nasib ada oversize sunglass aku bleh cover2.. Dekat sejam gak aku tetido when a nurse woke me up.. Aku terjaga jer dengan mulut ternganga. Dah la ramai mamat2 ensem kat situ. Ntah watpe ntah depan labor room tuh. Adeh... Irene pindah g Wad1. Baby gal. Congratz babe. Smua ok. Aku epi sangat!!

Today is Kaamatan n a sumandak is born. Huhuhuhuhu.
So ni la aku pas tu.. trun bawah jap p beli bun n 3 botol livita.. Kakakaka. Macam aku plak yang labor... Sleepy n tired tapi epi sangat sebab smua ok. ALHAMDULILLAH....

Friday, May 1, 2009

My BirtHdAy

It's a beautiful monink ere... When I opened the front door juz now.. there were so many dragonflies flying low.. The horizon was clear blue.. I can feel the warmth of the sunlight on my face. The air is so refreshing.
I went down and sat on the grass with my coffee for few minutes. It was wonderful..
Whatever happened a year ago.. I still can feel the wound deep inside.. But there I was.. surrounded by God creations n it's BEAUTIFUL.
Today.. on my birthday.. Im thankful with all the lil' things I have cuz it has made a big differences to me..

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Singgamata. Tengah laut. If u wanne go ere kena amik bot.. Ada package pegi cni tapi I suggest you another option. By boat of course.. takkan berenang plak kan. Bot kampung.. The people in Semporna called it Bot Penambang. It cost me only RM30. Pulang balik... Kna pandai runding ar ngan orang penambang tuh.. It took around 7minutes to reach Singgamata. Bot2 penambang ni semua kat belakang Pasar Ikan Semporna.

View from the Bot Penambang.. waiting waiting waiting...

Kat Singgamata ada restaurant. Price? Hmm.. depends on wat u wanne eat. Ada yang mahal. Ada yang ok lah.

Mamam.. pastu terjun junam kat laut. Best best best. Kalu mandi charge RM15. Ada 2 tempat mandi.. kat laut or kat tengah2 singgamata tu. They called it Aquarium sebab kat tengah tu macam aquarium ler n byk ikan. Besar2.. seram tp tak bahaya pon. Aku ni penakut skit so terjun kat luar jer... kalu nak mandi dlm aquarium tu RM25.

Dah puas berendam.. around 6.30.. I called pakcik bot penambang tu utk amik balik. U can stay there also RM50 perNite. Murah murah murah. Best best best!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Blue Mile

End of Da Bridge
Sesat jap.. so we arrived ere around 6. Jambatan ni ntah brapa km. Patah jg kaki berjalan ke ujung tapi janji xnyesal arrr.... Hey.. datz not me in da pic. Huhuhu.
It wasn't in my plan.. but a friend called.. She told me dat I should go to diz place cuz I sure lurv it.. Well, I lurv it!

Ni view from end of the bridge.. jauh kan. Ops.. Lupa plak nak mention nama tmpt. Pangkalangan. Macam tu la bunyi tempat ni.. Pelik skit nama tmpt ni but da place mmg best!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Lately im BZ wit diz game.. Im so addicted to it I sit for hours after work playing. I usually cooked for dinner around 6.30. But now.. I cook around 9.. Ahaha.. can i define the whole situation as bz?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lil' Gold Tech

- Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo Processor T6400
- 320GB HDD, 2GB DDR2 RAM,
- 13.3" TFT WXGA High Definition,
- Super Multi DVD/RW Double Layer
- Integrated Bluetooth,
- Wireless 802.11 b/g,
- NVIDIA Geforce 9300M GS with 512MB of
Dedicated video memory,
- Altec Lansing Speaker,SRS Premium Sound
- Microsoft Windows Home Vista Premium
Finally.. I bought a new laptop. PC Fair. HP PAVILION DV3611tx. Gold color... Not really my fav but datz the only color available. RM2999. F.O.C=> Upgraded to 4Gb, mouse, cleaning kit and cooler pad. Cool huh...
I bought my mom a 32" Samsung LCD. I know she was excited.. but.. like mother like daughter.. she acted cool. I know lah she was excited cuz she was grinning most of d time. Ahaha.. Lurv u mom. My bro bought PSP.. My best buddy Vn bought a laptop too.. same like mine..

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I lost Oliver today.. It was all my fault. I didnt take gud care of Oliver.. Im sori.. Sure Jumper misses Oliver so much. Oliver was the only companion....
I went to swim wit buddies. When we got home.. Jumper was on top of her lil' house. Juz sat there.. Oliver's gone. I cleaned up the cage n when I put Jumper back into her cage.. Jumper juz jump ere n there. Not like owez.. :( Makes me sad to see Jumper dat way. They fought most of the time cuz Jumper is a bit notty. But they were perfect for each other.. cuz Jumper was the one to collect the foods n Oliver wud collect things for their lil' house. After all the routines.. they rested together in their lil' hommy.. I feel so sad rite now. So does Jumper. Rite now Jumper juz sit outside their lil' house.. :(

Friday, April 10, 2009

Breakfast wit Mom

Me at my mom's house. I woke up early today.. Mom made me breakfast. She knows sumthin isnt rite. Mom owez knows.... My mom was talking about me getting a new car. She wants me to buy the tangerine color but I want Black. Huhuhu. My Black Ride. She caught me staring at my mug for few minutes.. lost there for a while. But she didnt ask. I finished my breakfast.. Yummie.. Thanx mom.. Then up up and away to my CAVE!
I really dont feel like talking, smiling o anything today. Juz wanne lie ere on my bed. It's raining outside. I dont even know wat I wanne talk about rite now. The day seems so long.. I juz wanne sleep n wake up on monday even I never really like Monday. Hmmff..
I supposed 2b in KL rite now.. Fly last nite. Ticket for two? Ticket for one? Cancel.... It's over. GAME OVER. Dont wanne think about it....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

AnG3R MaNaGem3nt

I was so damn piss off diz monink..... I went back home early.. I took my bath n tried to sleep.. My eyes were close but my brain was like the bullet train. Diz n dat.. diz n dat. Hmmpff.. So.. I cleaned up d house.. inside out..! Wheneve I feel bad o sad o down.. I start to clean up sumthin.. It makes me feel better to see my house especially my room clean n tidy.
So ere I am now, alone in my house.. not really alone.. there's Mr. Snail on my bathroom wall.. goin up n down since last week til now. Gez Mr. Snail couldnt find a way out. And there's Jumper n Oliver.. running ere n there. Makes me smile wheneve I feel sad o down. Who else? Hmm.. Yup. My neigbour. Mr.A. He's not around most of the time..

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Im not sure wat philosophy is but I'll tell n membebel about wat I believe in life. I believe that.. the real battle of life is the battle within ourselves.

Dont take thing 4 granted becuz there are things dat u might lost n u will never get back.

Dont run from problems. It follows u everywhere. I know it's difficult but sure u'll feel epi once u survive it.

Dont be afraid to express ur feelings.

Always ask 4 forgiveness. Better late than never bcuz u might not have the chance.

Do good deeds. Do charity. There are many lil' things in life that can make a difference.

Be nice to people. Not bcuz that they will be nice 2u. It's dat u'll feel better about urself n u'll b blessed in return.

Dont look down to people. Dont juz simply hate people because of their looks.

Put urself in other's shoes. When u view things differently other than ur own perspectives, u'll think less selfish. U might even learn new things.

Be happy. No one can be epi 24 hours. Life can hurt and we may go through sad times. It's painful, isnt it?? But I learn sumthin... pain is sumthin u cant run from but misery is a choice.

One day if u'r married, never forget to visit ur parents. There are times when u accidently bring up old stories or try to share problems.. n ur mom start to bla bla bla.. Dont feel bad. Juz remember dat no matter how old u grow, how long u've been married, how many children u've had.. U will owez b their baby n they want the best 4u.

There's no such thing as perfect marriage... Exist only in a fairy tale.. but one thing I believe is to accept each other weaknesses.. Share problems n try to work through it.

Be a giver. Dont ask too much. Try to appreciate life n b thankful with all the little things we have.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


ZZZzzzzzzzzz.... Jumper is sleeping in its lil' house.. N here I am doin nuttin.. Juz sittin' ere wathing my lil' Jumper.. I took a day off. Need to rest my brain. Been bz wit work and other matters in life for the past few months.
A' aw.. Jumper's awake.. Gez I woke her up..
Look at Jumper..
looking through its lil' window..

Isnt it amazing.. how a tiny cute pluffy creature can make u smile and erase all the trouble in ur head. Isnt life wonderful...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Lil' Panty

My buddy called juz now... "U left ur panty in my car... My mom found it....." And me.. "Wat..!? Hahahahahhaaaa." A bit terkujat wit the Q tp tringat sumthin.. I know how it ends up there.

Hey hey.. he's my buddy. Dont get it wrong.. The story goes like diz. Me, Fd, Fd's nephew, Wn, V, Al and Al's parentz went to XClub for swimming. So.. after the frog style, dog style, pro style and all.. (except me, Wn n V.. we were surfing d intrnt) they changed clothes. Then, I saw a very familiar lil' piece of art held by Fd's nephew... My panty.. My fav sweet lil pink panty. Huhuhu. I stayed at Fd's house last week so I left few stuff there. She had mistaken it for hers. Kidz... Fida went ballistic.. We all laughed.. LOL!

So maybe.. (Me, Fd & her nephew tumpang Wn time tuh).. Fd's nephew left the panty at the back seat.. And this morning Wn's mom found it and went ballistic... Ahahahahahahahahahahaa. Sure it's gonna be the-story-of-the-year.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Im thinkin of buying a new laptop next week cuz I'll give my V3000 to my lil' bro.. It's hard to let go of sumthin dat i live wit for 2 years. Yay.. Gonna miz u V3000 but my lil' bro needs u. So.. I read a lot about tech stuff lately and the latest edition to the HP Mini Notebook PC Family that available in two colors.. black piano and red vibrant.. caught my eyes. It's light and thin and small. Datz quite a prob for me actually. Huhuhu.. Since games n media editing are part of my routine. Im thinkiiiiiiinnn' ere...

Below: HP Mini 1000 Vivienne Tam Special Edition. I lurv da color and the cute design.

Processor: Intel® Atom™ Processor
CPU Speed:1.6Ghz
Memory: 1GB 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM
Hard Drive capacity: 60GB
Operating System: Window XP Home Edition
Display resolution: 1024x600
Screen size: 10.2"
Weight: 1.11kg
Webcam with integrated microphone
Wifi + Bluetooth
Price: RM2299 (Red)
RM1699 (Black)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Nicky B1RtHd4Y

Today is my buddy's birthday.. Da celebration was last night. I ate too much n felt like my tummy bout to explode.. Then everybody gathered around. She opened the gifts.. Well.. sure all the gifts came with MU o NIKE tag. Huhuhu. She's a big fan. Everybody was there except Emz n Fx. MayB sumthin came up. After the chewing, biting and swallowing part.. we played BlackJack.. I lost.. not my luck.. We played.. talked.. laughed til we drop. Went back home around 5 and i slept on the sofa.. flat like a pancake.


So here i am.. thinkin of wat am i goin 2 write ere.. Been a while. Bit bz lately.. lotz of stuff need 2b done. I skip a month.. I log in juz to check on important stuff. I didnt write for a month. Gosh!!
Suddenly.. diz monink I woke up n felt like writing sumthin but dunno wat.. So many things stuff ere in my head.. Dunno where 2 start.. Hmmmppfff..
I read a book - BEING HAPPY - diz past few weeks.. wow... Huhu.. Not dat im not epi now.. but the book cover caught my eyes.. N d quote rite in front is catchy. The author wrote: Maybe that’s why I like being around little kids so much. They’re naturally honest. When they’re not happy, they express it and then they go back to being happy. It’s refreshing. And there’s no reason we can’t be like that too. You probably won’t want to stomp your feet and scream all around town, but you can simply and honestly state how you feel and own it.
I like to read diz kind of books cuz there are so many things in life I tot I knew when da fact is I only know it 3metres down from the top.. The bottom is far down below. I have few collections and my favourite are Chicken Soup for the Soul & Why Men Marry Bitches.
Watever dat I membebel ere.. I am epi wit all the little things I have.. Lots of things make me smile everyday. Look into da mirror every morning and look at my messy hair makes me smile. Look at the sky on my way to work makes me smile. Look at people passing by while im waiting in da car makes me smile.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My BabyG

I used to wear this one watch.. not the one dat I got for my birtday.. 4 years.. same watch.. almost everyday. The swatch..? Ehehe.. sayang ar.. Core collection.. So he bought me a new one.. Baby-G Sweet Poison. I lurv it. Tq.. Luv ya..

Sunday, March 1, 2009

TwO WoundZ

Im not sure wat I shud feel today. Funny huh... I waited a year for today to come but now it doesnt feel rite. Sumthin juz.. dunno. Feels like there's a heavy cloud inside my head. Sumtimes I tot I can easily forget things.. but I juz realise I dont. Deep down inside I see two wounds.... da day he left on my birthday & the day I found out everything.. I was there. Rite outside the 'event'. Alone, scared and numb..
My cousin asked me not to go but I really wanted to see it myself. I drove there myself. My cousin would kill me if she knew. I stood rite outside. I saw it all. I didnt cry. Not a tear.. I juz stood there. People passed by. I saw him laughing n smiling.. All the lies..... Wat a beautiful lies.
Sumhow.. I got the strenght to walk away dat nite.. I walked away..
Dat was the end. For me, he DIED dat nite.. He died wit all the memories. DEAD AND GONE!

Friday, February 27, 2009



I lurve dat line. Datz y im waiting for the world premiere of LaMB on 24th March @ ANIMAX. The track for Animax Asia's LaMB is I CAN WAIT FOREVER - Simple Plan and the showcase dresses are designed by Vivienne Tam, the international fashion designer. Awesome.
The story is about an imprisonment system without walls called 'lamination' - virtual slavery and the prisoners are called Lambs. The system becomes a debate either it's ethical or not. The two main character - Jack & Eve - are protaganists. Say no more.. let's wait n see.. ;p
Check out the official website: www.animax-lamb.com

Sunday, February 1, 2009

P41N is W0nD3rFul

I juz feel like talking bout pain. Lately I heard stories related to pain.. pain.. pain.. My buddy juz broke up. The other one is stranded in the middle of nowhere. We're human n human gets hurt. That sounds normal, rite. Everybody gets hurt once a while. So do I. But isnt pain wonderful? Hey.. it might sounds like im crazy but it's true.
Pain has its positive points. It causes us to contemplate.. change direction and even make us look at things differently. Actually, pain is an alarm system to let us know that sumthin is not rite n we need to do sumthin bout it. If you look at the bright side of the moon.. the hidden message if u feel hurt, let down or anything like it maybe.......

I was there too... It took me years to change direction. Ahaha. Im a bit slow but sumhow I learn a lot. Few years back.. if sumbody let me down (yenno.. got dumped).. I wud spend whole day in my room crying like an idiot. I isolated myself. I wud find a part-time bf who in the end wud hate me. Few part-timer actually. N many other stupid stuff. Everytime I got hurt I did the same thing to make the pain go away but none made me feel good bout myself. It hurted me more.. Why? Cuz I tried to run from it.. Didnt have da gutts to face it.
So one day.. I juz realise that I should juz deal with the pain. Face it.. It doesnt hurt dat bad actually. Like I said before.. pain has its positive points if you deal with it. Now.. I juz tell myself.. ".. he left.. Yes, it hurts. So what!! I only lost 1 love.. I still have thousand with me. Family, friends and all..".
Not that it doesnt hurt at all anymore.. It take time. It will get better in time. And in time.. I dont do all that silly willy dwelly stuff anymore. I spent more times doing stuff that I like with buddies or family. I clean up my room. I do charity works. Buddies-nite-out... All makes me feel good bout myself.. Really really really.